سْــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـــــمِ
Dengan nama Allah yg Maha pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang
selalu dalam hidup ni,
Allah uji kita dgn byk perkara yg berbeza-beza
Allah memberikan penyelesaian dalam cara juga berbeza-beza
Terjemahannya :
''Sesiapa berTAQWA kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan berikan jalan keluar dari segala masalah dan memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak terlintas di hatinya. Dan sesiapa yang bertawakkal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mencukupkan keperluannya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusan
( yang dikehendaki) Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu.''
~surah At-talaaq:2-3~
SHUSSHH . . . Don't Tell the Bumble Bee
"Scientists have proven that it is aerodynamically impossible for the bumble bee to fly," says Dr. Mamie. "Its body is too heavy, and its wings are too light. However, the bumble bee doesn't read – it just flies."
it amazing isn't it,a little creature like this can believe its own self more than we do
We often let the world convince us that we can't do things, or we throw up our hands and simply say, "I can't.
Dear Sally
erm..GIT susah???
dulu time first year aku pun rasa benda yg sama
semua aku rasa
disebabkan perasaan ini
aku malas mau stadi
makin stadi makin byk yg aku lupa
makin byk yg aku tak tahu
aku GAGAL...
aku carry paper
from that moment,I always felt like ''Aku BODOH,Aku MALAS''
during my second year..
I studied ANATOMY
all part of the body with all kind of system..compress in a one year
what would you feel
but I manage to pass
it's not b'coz I'm clever
you are much more clever than
you are the one who got 9A
not me
what's important is..
what you believe..
if you think you can do it
and you trust yourself
you can pass it with flying color
if there is something you want or something you wanna be,
the only person standing in your way is YOU...
salam sayang,
Adlyana Anwar
p/s:''kekuatan usah di tunggu tapi harus di cari''