Okay aku sibuk2 cite sal hospital smpai lupe nak gtau aku attachment kat Hospital mn,ni ar Hospital tmpat aku attachment
Untuk hari Isnin,Rabu dan khamis,aku kat klinik pakar tp untuk jumaat dan selasa Its an OT Day(Operation day)...
hari ni dtg awal sbab x nak kne marah lagi dek doktor,...
Jom round2 wad O&G!!!
Aku pun ikutlah round2 mcm doktor yg laen,Dr Wagih pun dok cite kat aku penyakit ni,penyakit tu,ade yg smpat aku take note,ade gak yg aku lpe...ni yg aku ingat
Pre-eclamsia ni penyakit di mn ABP meningkat(hypertension) dlm pregnancy yg di sebabkan oleh jumlah protein dlm urine.So this patient is usually ask to have Labor induction.
Labour induction is a method of artificially or prematurely stimulating childbirth in a woman dlm erti kata laen bersalin awal.
2.Epigastric pain
This pain is likely caused by reflux,when the baby start to grow bigger,it will push the mother's stomach upward and causes reflux and pain...
3.Placenta previa
Okay aku x dpt gambaran yg jelas tentang ni tp I remembered that the doctor said that patient with placenta previa cannot have normal delivery and casarean section must be done at the 36th week.
Okay finished round2 wad,jom kita masuk bilik pembedahan~!
This is for cesarean section.,,byk gile prosedur,x leh bwk masuk baju dr luar ar,pakai ni pakai tu tp bestlah...
Okay ni pakaian utk masuk bilik bedah,so sume org wajib pakai
Pastu g basuh tangan,fist time masuk seyh aku mcm org jakun tegar jer..wakaka kebetulan time tu aku sorang jer tinggal dlm bilik ni,aku pown ape lg syok sendri ar men air dgn sabun,tetbe terbyg aku jadi mcm ASADA RYUTARO dlm drama team medical dragon tu...wakaka,jadinya aku msuk blik operation room lambat,doktor dah siap buka rectus abdominis...
Pastu aku pun tgk dgn konsentrasi yg tinggi,seram gak ar coz patient ni mcm berisi sket so doktor tu pun susah nak bedah perut,skejap pakai electric scapel,skejap pakai gunting,x boleh jgak skali doktor tu fed up trus die koyak jer mcm buka pembungkus keropok,ngeri aku tgk.Pastu doktor bedah lg sampailah air ketuban pun pecah,byk gler air kluar...kepala baby pown ditarik kluar mcm dlm gmbar ni,baby girl pown nangis nguek,nguek....After that,doktor tu pun tarik placenta kluar,1st tim tgk placenta real yg fresh.Tyme kecik2 ade gak tgk bapak g basuh uri adik2 br lahir gne air asam jawa tp x fresh...
Pastu jahit balek,jahit pown ade bermcm-mcm method,sempat gak dgr doktor yg bedah and Dr.Wagih gaduh2 sal method ni..hikhikhik,lawak jer,,..
Sambung lg tubal ligation a.k.a berikat means the women does not want to have baby anymore...
Ade 3 method and for this operation they used Abdominal method:
1.Abdominal method: A 3 to 4 inch incision is made just above the pubic hair. The Fallopian tubes are cut, tied, and a section of each tube removed. The ends may be sealed or sewn into surrounding tissue.
2.Laparoscopy method
3.Vaginal method
Abdominal method
percaya atau x aku tgk ni dibuat depan mata aku sendiri,perggh tp sbenarnya fallopian tube kite ni kecik jer aku pown terkejut tgk saiz tube tu surely memang kecik.
Pastu potong but according to the doctor 2/1000 of patient that undergoes ligation may still get pregnant,,,why?Ngee x tny plak tgh syok tgk org wat operation huahaha~!
p/s:kalo nak wat attachment ajak ar kengkwn skali,x gak boring mcm tunggul kayu